Saturday, August 2, 2008


I worry sometimes that becoming a mother this early in life could be a mistake. Will I regret it? Will I be there, with my child, wishing for something else? Will the love I feel really be enough to compensate for the sacrifices & challenges-- not in an idealistic, picturesque way, but in real, daily life? What about my body? I worry and I fret and I go around and around, but there aren't any real answers for me since this is all so new. I've never been here before, and this really seems to be one of those things that's different for everybody.
So, today at work, one of the regulars came in with his new puppy. This adorable, soft, cuddly golden retriever lab (my favorite dog, by the way). I was immediately smitten. Before I even knew what was happening, I was over there, all up in that puppy's face- petting her, asking questions (girl or boy? how old? etc.), and squealing with delight. It was amazing; I loved this puppy instantly. I just wanted to take her home and love her and cuddle her and I wouldn't care if she made a mess or barked too loud or whatever. I have to ask myself, if I can fall in love with this guy's dog, just like that, how much more amazing will be the love that I have for my own baby? I want to be pregnant now!


BlakeCory said...

Even if your kids make a mess or barked too loud or whatever you can always just put them outside, put them in a cage, or have them put to sleep.

Andrea said...

Like many things you do for Christ, you just gotta jump in...*do it* knowing He is there whatever your worries or concerns are....
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