Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happenings In the Life of Rose

It's been almost 2 months since we went off of birth control, so I feel like pregnancy is right around the corner. I'm excited, but I'm not obsessing over getting pregnant anymore... My feeling is, it'll happen when it's supposed to happen.

In other news, Blake and I have decided to move back to Florida! I'm half excited and half freaking out... His family still scares me a little bit, but I love them alot and I'm looking forward to getting to see them more. And hopefully I will be expecting soon, so it makes sense to be around family. I'm really not looking forward to moving, but I am looking forward to being there, and going to the beach more often. I love the beach so much. Speaking of the beach, here are some pictures of our recent trip to Myrtle...
This was the view from our hotel balcony :)

See how happy and in love I am with the photographer?

Here's Blake in what we have come to know as the Elevator of Death.

The Happy Couple :)

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